Tuesday, January 20, 2015

messy living quarters and quiet hours.

So it's official; I'm back at college for my spring semester of freshman year. I actually have class at 1 p.m, but I'm still in bed and kind of groggy and contemplating on making a cup of coffee so I can survive through my stats class. We'll see where it goes.

I'm also currently living in a state of disarray because my stuff is everywhere and nothing seems to have a proper place right now, but we'll get there. First I have to get up, which is honestly the hardest battle I've ever had to fight (jk, that's a total lie) because doing nothing all break has warranted me totally useless, to be honest. But, I will admit, I'm very happy to be back on campus with my friends and living with my awesome roommate and being confined to a small space again because, weirdly, I love it. I've loved everything that has come with college, even the annoyance of sharing a bathroom with so many other people and shitty shower water pressure and the fact I can't have a toaster in my room (I'm really craving an English muffin right now). But it's okay.

I really can't put into words the excitement I feel about this semester. My love for learning has finally returned after being stolen by the public education system for four long years (oh drama, oh life~). I enjoyed certain aspects of high school, but I definitely didn't love it the way I love college. I guess the freedoms of living on my own and choosing who I associate with are only a few reasons why I love it so much. But I'm a huge fan of the rigorous courses and the fast paced learning. That's something I really craved in high school and I only ever found AP classes to satiate that kind of hunger. And now I probably sound like some poetic douche who's trying to assert their educational dominance. I promise I'm not, I'm just sleepy and kind of anxious about the first day of classes.

I will say, though, I definitely do not love the fact that the wifi here is the slowest thing to exist on this planet. It makes keeping up with my YouTube subscriptions difficult and watching anime even more difficult. It even causes my Pandora stations to skip sometimes which is incredibly frustrating when I'm trying to do something like clean my room. The kicker is that apparently they recently renovated and updated the wifi in my building. I beg to differ, school. I really do.

So, I suppose I should be done now. I need to take a shower and get my bag packed for class and look presentable and that's gonna take some time with how slow I am this morning/afternoon. Today's post was short, but I promise that I'll be back soon with more (hopefully) interesting content. Maybe. I can't promise I'll continue to be interesting and deep and sooper kewl.

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